Bringing Positive Change
to the communities we work in

The Sedulo Foundation provides school essentials, food vouchers, seasonal gifts, and sanitary products delivered in conjunction with local partners.


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Our work is driven by one fundamental aim

To bring positive change to the communities we work in, we are committed to creating our own direct interventions and bringing tangible change to those who need it most.

The Sedulo Foundation is the result of years of working with our local communities to alleviate the devastating effect of poverty on children and young people across London and the north of England. We work with regional charities and youth organisations to identify where and how we can make positive change for young people and utilise their delivery mechanisms to maximise our impact.

supporting young people through three key campaigns

Bespoke sacks of presents for children and young people based on their individual needs and preferences

bespoke, hand-wrapped presents


of full family Christmas Dinners

Back to school essentials distributed at the beginning of the school year, including school bags, stationery and food vouchers

learning essentials provided


of restaurant vouchers

Annual supply of period products to support poor or otherwise disadvantaged young women

period products committed to young women for the rest of their school life


Last year we reached thousands of children and young people

The Sedulo Foundation provides school essentials, food vouchers, seasonal gifts, and sanitary products delivered in conjunction with local partners.

The Foundation works with charities and youth organisations who identify and select beneficiaries based on their own local expertise and experience in assessing requirements. The Foundation does not select beneficiaries directly, though the Trustees will work with these charities and youth organisations to understand and approve their selection process.

These partner organisations must be registered charities, or youth organisations registered with the local council, to ensure that the Foundation’s resources will be distributed ethically and effectively.



  • Provided 2,000 protective masks to Stepping Hill Hospital during COVID
  • Built one playground on a previously condemned site for a school in Warrington
  • Raised £1,212.50 for Martin House Children’s Hospice in Leeds through a Dragon Boat Race
  • Provided sets of pyjamas and warm clothing to 100 children in Liverpool as part of a winter Pyjama Drive
  • Delivering tablets and laptops to support the learning of 70 (approx) Hackney school children living in digital poverty


ready to get involved

Read Our Annual REVIEW

Discover how the Sedulo Foundation is making a difference in the lives of children and young people facing poverty. Our annual review showcases the impactful initiatives, heartfelt stories, and generous support that enable us to bring lasting change to our communities.

Download the review to see how we are working together to create a brighter future.

Download THE PDF
Charities and Youth Groups

If your charity or youth organisation would like to benefit from the work of the Foundation, please contact the Trustees with the following information:

  1. the geographical area in which you will be active
  2. the campaign or campaigns in which you would like to participate
  3. a description of the children or young people who will be beneficiaries
  4. the procedure and criteria by which beneficiaries will be identified.

Applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered by the Trustees as soon as practicable.

Apply for a grant

The Sedulo Foundation could not provide the support it already does to thousands of children across the UK without the kindness and efforts of individuals who share our passion of making a positive impact within their communities.

If you would like to make an impact in your community - in any way - and get involved with the Sedulo Foundation, please get in touch.

Contact us
Corporate Partners

We’re always looking for philanthropic partners to work alongside us. Sharing resources and local knowledge helps us build meaningful relationships that take us deeper into communities. We also believe in helping our corporate clients identify organisations that fit with their own ethos and philanthropic aspirations.

Contact us